
slate: how to apologize to your girlfriend

slate investigates a more green way of giving flowers in response to this email:

My girlfriend is on the verge of kicking me to the curb, so I’d like to smooth things over with my standard apology gift: a dozen long-stemmed roses. But she’s on the crunchy side, and I’m worried that cut flowers have become a major environmental no-no among such eco-minded folks. Should I find a greener way to say I’m sorry?

personally, i think the guy sounds like a dick, “standard apology gift”, how often is this guy screwing up? maybe the relationship is just plain doomed. however, the email appears in the green lantern section which deals with environmental concerns and not dear prudence, who would be quick to question this relationship’s validity, or possibly not even bother. anyway, put in your cfc flowers, every little bit helps!

slate: how to apologize to your girlfriend … without destroying the earth, by brendan i. koerner


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